Software development especially for website design is a lucrative market. If you are looking to join elite website creators then this article is for you. We are going to look at the major steps you need to take in order to become a dev.

How Good Website Creators are Made

Learn about Web Design

You need to get the theoretical knowledge on how to design a website first then apply it in trial designs. There is no particular perfect place to learn but there are a few good suggestions. Online Boot Camps like Udemy, FlatIron, and W3 Schools. This will give you a foundation in web design and introduce you to programming languages like HTML, Java, and CSS that you might need to get started.

 There are short courses which are up to 3 months long. You get to be tested after each lesson and get take away assignments in some, to make sure you have a good grasp of what you have been taught. Youtube tutorials will help you grasp the practical parts. Get to know how to perform particular tasks n detail.

Choose a Web Code Editor Tool

There are many software applications out there that you can use to code your website. You need to pick one that you are most conversant with. Adobe Dreamweaver, Sublime Text, Notepad ++, and Atom are some of the top options. These text code editors are like your MS Word only that you are writing code and not words here. Simply put, this is where you write your website into existence.

Most have a real-time feature that gives you a preview of what the design will look like even as you code.  It’s not a big deal as long as its user friendly enough for you to use. You could type the word Apple on a phone text tool, on Facebook, or on an Editor like WPS, MS Word, or Notepad, it will still be Apple all across. You will still join the club of great website creators regardless of what you choose to write on.

 Develop your first Design

This is where you get to work on a personal project to test your skills. Don’t rush it, if you feel that you haven’t learned enough or still need some additional skill, it is always good to go back to stage 1. Since this is a genuine evaluation of the skills learned so far, it is important that you do not refer to other material.

Just come up with something and if you have some difficulty with how to write a particular line of code, write it down and go back to revise later. This is like the ultimate test to see how far you have come so be honest with yourself. We do assume that you have done numerous mini-tests before to test your grasp of particular concepts.

Create a Portfolio

If the previous step is at least 70 percent successful then you are on your way to becoming part of the great website creators clique. Time to do some more, create other websites to create a rich and diverse portfolio. Take on new challenges and test the waters, it’s rather wise to test your real capacity before you start searching for paid gigs. I’ll be honest with you, this is the real CV. This is what future clients or employers will use to rate your skills, so put your best foot forward.

Get those Paid Gigs

You’ve come a long way as a website creator, time to earn from your craft. Apply for internships, they may not pay much but the experience got there is invaluable. You can join a freelance platform like Up Work or Fiverr to get gigs. Talk to friends, family, and relatives with businesses or personal initiatives that might need a website.

You can do a few pro bono sites especially for family members, it’s a good old African tradition to give back before you start collecting. Get their feedback on what you can improve on and what they liked about your skills. This is different from the previous stage in the sense that you have a real client hence you will sharpen your skills in negotiation, time management, and delivery.

Make your Move

Finally, as a website creator, you want to know what your working terms will be. Re you a freelancer or an employee. See what works best for you and gives you a bigger chance of growth. Look at the rewards vs the means and be smart about it. All the best as you embark on this journey to becoming one of the best website creators there is. Hey, just remember we have internship opportunities for awesome designers.